Can your diet be the cause of chronic inflammation?

Can your diet be the cause of chronic inflammation? If you research and study the findings for chronic diseases, you will realize that the cause for a majority of these diseases is chronic inflammation. What could be the cause for people being chronically inflamed? Let’s look at the possible cause being poor diet and inefficient digestion. Did you know that most of our foods grown on farms today, are grown in soil that has been stripped of a majority of its minerals? We as consumers are buying our foods that have been grown in less nutritious soil compared to produce grown in the 40s and 50s! Carbon dioxide air pollution is also a contributing factor. We are producing immune-compromised products, that are attacked by bugs and parasites, which is why they use of pesticides, as well as Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO), are used rampantly, in order to survive the harvest, and get to market!

This drastically also affects the number of natural enzymes in our fruits and vegetables. The enzymes are what aid the body in the digestive process. So now we have to supplement the number of servings of vegetables and fruits we intake. The eating experts now say we need to increase our servings from 9 to 13, to get the necessary nutritional values. This is also what leads to poor digestion and malabsorption in the body and will develop a process called digestive leukocytosis, which is the production of excess white blood cells. These white blood cells are produced in response to the foreign, chemically induced, pharmaceutical added food products that we are all in taking. This overproduction of WBC’s, is the major reason for the inflammation within the gut. This causes additional stress in our bodies and is one of the major causes of most chronic diseases, especially in the brain. What are the solutions?

  1. Minimize or eliminate process and GMO foods. Fresh is best, frozen second best. Avoid canned foods.
  2. Eat a balanced, whole-food diet rich in organic fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts and meals.
  3. Make sure you chew your food thoroughly. Digestion begins in your mouth- food should go down like applesauce.
  4. Take digestive food enzymes to support normal digestion and normal inflammatory response.
  5. Get your spine checked for subluxations or nerve irritations, because your digestive system is innervated by nerves from the spine.
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