Hypoxia and what is it?

Hypoxia is a medical term used to describe where bodily tissues are not receiving enough oxygen, in other words, hypoxia literally means low oxygen levels in your body. There are many different health issues that can cause or contribute to hypoxia. They are basic decreased breathable oxygen such as hiking at high altitude, decreased ability for blood to carry oxygen such in anemia, thalassemia, severe blood loss, blocked arteries or capillaries, and reduced ability of cells to utilize oxygen and absorb, as in lung disease or carbon monoxide poisoning and abnormal mitochondria function. When a person ages, reduction of lung capacity, hardening, and blockage of their arteries and small vessels may compromise the ability to fully oxygenate the body tissues. Environmental pollution, smoking, and suboptimal breathing patterns can also contribute to poor oxygen within the cell. The latter result is hypoxia can be isolated to an organ or area with poor blood supply or abnormal cell behavior that has difficulty using oxygen. Generalized hypoxia can be detected using an oxygen measurement device.

Hypoxia inside organs can only be measured invasively and dangerous. So what is the best thing to do to help increase oxygen to the body? One way is to do deep diaphragmatic breathing, which is essential to enhance oxygen intake! Proper breathing technique is taught by Dr. John Florendo in: “Facets of Breathing”, in the videos section on the unlimitedwellnessinstitute.com site. Another way would be to order an oxygen concentrator and utilize forced oxygen into the system using a cannula in the nostrils and practice the deep diaphragmatic breathing exercises at the same time. Another way would be to perform aerobic exercises, such as walking, swimming, or cycling. These are three great ways of intaking oxygen in the quickest amount of time. Happy Breathing!

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