Light Therapy and Chiropractic

As part of the Functional Neurology protocol, eye lights are a valuable adjunctive therapy to chiropractic neurology procedures. Light stimulation directly to the brain via the eye seems to be more effective than light placed on the body. Light allows the reconnection of various energy systems in symptomatic areas to make a fresh start in the healing process.

Light therapy can reveal certain muscle and neurological disorders that may not be detected during standard examination and treatment protocols. While chiropractic procedures are used to correct subluxations and remove skeletal and muscular distortions, many times, disturbances in the energy fields and systems of the body may not be reached directly. Light can help restore the connection of the energy systems, as well as help maintain the chiropractic adjustment. Dysfunction begins at the energy level, which later manifests at the cellular level and then to an inflammatory state at the tissue level and finally to the physiological disturbances we see in disease patterns. Get your nervous system checked to see if you may need light therapy to help stimulate healing and prevent future disturbances.

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