Sleep and Alzheimer’s
Poor quality of sleep can increase the levels of key proteins- “amyloid-beta and tau”- associated with Alzheimer’s Disease. The latest study indicates the importance of deep sleep and how it helps reduce the buildup of these proteins in the brain. Researchers have indicated that just one bad night’s sleep can raise amyloid-beta and tau protein levels by 10%!. Over time that increases the risk of plaque within the brain tissue, the first step of Alzheimer’s. To sleep deeper, avoid caffeine later in the day, limit screen time at night, and cut back on booze. Also, studies have found that nothing as powerful as happiness in our lives that will enhance a better quality of sleep! You will also be more inspired to exercise, eat healthier and be well! Always affirm, ” I feel happy, I feel healthy and I feel terrific!”. Buddha once said, ” Happy people focus on what they have. Unhappy people focus on what’s missing.