Hypoxia and the Viral Connection

During the origin of the pandemic of 2019-2021, the world was at a standstill. The virus that developed, was one that affected cellular immunity and invaded immune-compromised cells. Attacking the respiratory system and deteriorating the cardio, pulmonary and circulatory function. As a result of the infected cells, and decreased oxygen intake, the body was overly stressed, while being attacked by its own defense system, as the virus outmaneuvered the bodies T cells exhausting them, and therefore weakening the immune system even more. Resistive individuals’ response to the virus, was capable of denying the replication and allowing the macrophages, mast cells, neurons, glial, and epithelial cells, to eliminate the deteriorated cells, without causing further tissue damage.

This entailed an optimal functioning nervous system, which is your master control system, and subsequently your other 8 body functions, cardio, muscular, digestive, endocrine, immune, skeletal, respiratory, and urinary. During the pandemic, the system that was weakest during the virus invasion was the first to malfunction and further deterioration the body. The activation of the immune response is termed the “Cytokine Storm”, or cytokine-associated toxicity, and response to infection aggressively, which was a type of Viral re-programming of the body’s entire defense system. Similar to “friendly fire” in war, there are mass casualties of cells, that are sick as well as healthy. The Cytokine reaction in immunology is a vast network of WBC and other T lymphocytes that aid in the immune system’s response to foreign invasion. During this time the body’s own defense mechanism attacked not only sick cells but also healthy ones, as mentioned previously. During the Cytokine storm, the body’s own system was unable to shut down the destruction of cells. This left the system unable to repair the damaged tissue quickly enough and left the body vulnerable to further replication and invasion. I believe this reaction was the catalyst for pulmonary deterioration and was the reason for the overutilization of ventilators worldwide. As it is known that ventilators caused more damage in weakened systems, especially in geriatric patients, as evidenced by the mass loss of life in nursing homes and hospitals. In my research, Hypoxia was also a contributing factor to the weakened breathing mechanism as well. The decrease in oxygen within the system also leads to weakened cells and dehydration. As the body needs fuels to function, oxygen, and glucose (sugar) or glycogen, in order to produce ATP by way of the cell’s power generator or mitochondrial activity. Without oxygen, there is no utilization of water and sugar by the cells.

This causes an overworked nervous system and a weakened immune system. As the Cytokine reaction was instigated, the question is why were individuals that were infected, unable to turn off this mechanism. Science has proven that not all cells react the same to specific immune responses. Could it be a faulty message system within an individual? Was this the reason that so many patients were inflicted with the inability to protect themselves from their own defense system? What controls macrophages, mast cells, T lymphocytes, and glial cell production? The answer lies within the previously mentioned immune system and the direct link to the nervous system. Can a neurological disconnect or faulty message lead to the body’s reaction to viral or bacterial invasion as well? Low O2, disrupted neurological message, and an overreactive immune system? As we break down the function of the nervous system and its intricate network of communication within the body, the 9 other systems all depend on the input from the master control or executive center of the brain.

As messages are computed in the cerebral cortex to different areas of the body, through the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems, this vast network of nerves sends and retrieves data from the internal and external environment. The reaction the brain undertakes is from the feedback it receives from the senses. It is the failure of the reproductive process of the regeneration of cells that leads to the deterioration of the body or body part. This was the reason why so many patients inflicted with viral attacks were unable to respond adequately and therefore perished. As we look further into how the body reacts to specific diseases, we must identify if the human nervous system is capable of 100% function. If there is evidence of neurological deficit, especially at both the junction of the neuron-to-neuron communication by way of neurotransmitters as well as spinal nerve function, which is the gateway for neurological connection, there will be a slow or distorted reaction time to the body’s immune response. I believe it was this scenario, that played a major role in why so many suffered from the virus and this will continue until action steps are induced. Check for brain function, especially at the cerebellar level, which controls motor function, also examine for subluxation at the spine from the occiput to the sacrum, check tissue oxygen levels, body acidity ( metabolically high acidity causes coagulation of RBC, which decreases transportable oxygen to tissue, which also thickens blood), test for dehydration, cholesterol, as well as blood pressure.

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